Posts in Health
Remote Monitoring Systems Installed at the Glendon Hospital

The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) is pleased to announce the installation of advanced remote life signs monitoring systems in the wards of Glendon Hospital. This groundbreaking initiative, funded through the Resilience, Sustainable Energy, and Marine Biodiversity (RESEMBID), marks a significant milestone in enhancing healthcare services on the island and forms a part of the non-infrastructure reform agenda for MoHSS.

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Local Pediatrician Calls for Early Intervention to Diagnose Children with Disabilities on Montserrat

A call was made for early intervention to diagnosed children with disabilities on island.

The challenge was issued by Dr. Sylvia Paz, pediatrician in the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

Speaking at the consultation workshop this week to create Montserrat’s first policy on disability, Dr. Paz proposed that early diagnosis would create more opportunities and improvements in the quality of life of the children.

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