St. Patrick's

Montserrat is known as the Emerald Isle of the Caribbean and is the only island outside Ireland where St. Patrick’s Day is a public holiday. This national holiday simultaneously commemorates the island’s Irish Heritage which dates back to the 17 th century, along with a failed rebellion by Afro-Caribbean slaves and members of the island’s free black community on March 17 th , 1768. The week long St. Patrick’s Festival provides a rich blend of Montserrat’s Irish and African Heritage, supplying residents and
tourists alike with traditional food, music and entertainment. The St. Patrick’s Festival is fast becoming the most popular annual events on Montserrat attracting visitors from Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Guadeloupe and Ireland.
2018 marks the 250 th anniversary of the Festival which will this year be celebrated under the theme “Remembering the Montserrat St. Patrick’s Day Rebellion 1768.” The activities will include a Freedom Run and Walk, Torch Lighting Ceremony, Nature Hike and Junior Calypso Competition.