Premier Joseph Farrell Defends Government Decision to Raise Tariffs on Sugary Drinks

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell is standing by the Government’s decision to increase the tariff on sugary drinks.

In his argument, Premier Farrell cited hypertension and diabetes as two of the leading causes of death on Montserrat, while obesity seems to be on an upward trend among the youth.

He says his Government is responsible for the health and wellness of the people of Montserrat, and as such does not regret it’s decision as these drinks are bad for people’s health.

As of April 12 2021, there has been an increase the tariff rates for the importation of single use plastics, single use food containers, styrofoam food and drink containers and drinking straws, Sugary drinks and Tobacco Products.


Premier Farrell has promised that no new taxes will be introduced for this fiscal year.

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell