As Vaccine Hesitancy Persistent Persons Urged Not to Delay in Taking the AstraZeneca Jab

Several persons are in a wait and see mode before deciding to take the Covid-19 vaccine.

That’s according to epidemiologist and Director of Primary Healthcare Dr. Dorothea Hazel Blake.

Montserrat currently has a vaccination rate of 39.5 per cent, fourth in the OECS behind Anguilla, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Antigua.

Dr. Hazel Blake explains that some persons have not yet taken the vaccine for a variety of reasons.

Director of Primary Healthcare Dr. Dorothea Hazel Blake.

Persons wishing to take the vaccine, can visit any of the health centers in St. Johns, Cudjoe Head, St. Peters and Salem.

As of June 3, 1379 persons had taken their first dose of the Astra Zeneca Vaccine, while 1,190 had taken their second dose.