Montserrat Government Exploring Night Flights to Improve Air Access
The United Alliance government says it is exploring ways to improve air access to the island.
Deputy Premier Veronica Dorsette-Hector says one of the options being looked at is the introduction of night flights at the John A. Osborne Airport.
She confirms that a paper was submitted, and if approved would help relieve the pressures of getting to Montserrat.
Dorsette-Hector says night flights would accommodate passengers arriving in Antigua on later flights from the United Kingdom and other places.
The Deputy Premier also zeroed in on the fact that it would also support the delivery of healthcare with more timely medical evacuations.
Air Safety Support International…ASSI a subsidiary company of the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority, is responsible for civil aviation safety regulation in the UK Overseas Territories.
The Government of Montserrat would need its approval before introducing night flights to the island.