Ferry Service Continues on Thursday 20th March for Affected WINAIR Passengers
The Access Division, Office of the Premier would like to inform the general public that due to weather regulations WINAIR will be unable to operate on Thursday March 20, 2025.
To facilitate passenger movement from Montserrat to Antigua, for affected travelers the Access Division will be conducting a charter vessel service via the Barbuda Express Ferry.
Affected WINAIR passengers who are scheduled to leave tomorrow, March 20th or those who do not have a confirmed ticket to leave Montserrat are asked to be at the Ferry Terminal in Little Bay at 5:00 a.m. for registration and arrangement of transportation.
It is expected that the weather will stabilize by Friday 21st March so that scheduled Winair flights could resume for the period.
Travelers are reminded to listen to ZJB Radio, follow Access Division MNI and GIU Montserrat on Facebook for further updates or contact the Access Division by email at accessmni@gov.ms or 491 3378 or on Whatsapp 664 392 3600
The Access Division apologises for the inconveniences caused by this unforeseen disruption to the services. We continue to work diligently to remedy the situation.