Montserrat National Trust Seeks Volunteers to Help Preserve Local Plant Biodiversity

Members of the public, interested in data collection, are being asked to assist in preserving the biodiversity of Montserrat.

The Montserrat National Trust is seeking a number of volunteers to assist with the cataloguing and storage of local plant specimens for the herbarium on island.

Quentin Groom and Sofie Meeus, botanists from Meise Botanic Garden in Belgium, are on island collecting plant specimens for the herbarium, with plans to explore Katy Hill and the Silver Hills.

The botanists are working on getting more Montserratians involved in mounting plant specimens for the herbarium here, which they describe as a fun, hands-on activity that requires no scientific background, only an interest in nature and crafts.

Botanists, Quentin Groom and Sofie Meeus.

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