Premier Farrell Responds to Criticism Regarding Government Handling of AVGas Situation

Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell has pushed back at criticism of his government’s handling of the aviation fuel crisis that has affected the operations of both Fly Montserrat and SVG Air.

Speaking on the “Your Government and You” radio programme Wednesday evening, Premier Farrell said that individuals are seeking to gain political mileage out of the situation.

Former Premier and Leader of the United Alliance Party Reuben T. Meade stated Wednesday morning that the government has shown a lack of leadership for failing to address Montserrat access challenges, bringing hardship to travelers and businesses.

Meanwhile, leader of the Opposition Paul Lewis called on the authorities to lift the restrictions on the Twin Otter aircraft by removing the imaginary RESA or Runway End Safety Areas at the John A Osborne airport.

However, the Premier says persons are now jumping on the bandwagon, trying to exploit the situation for political gain.

Premier Farrell outlines that the Government has been working on a long term solution to the island’s access problems.

Premier the honourable Joseph Farrell.

Meanwhile, Mr. Meade has doubled down on his stance that the government should be doing more to improve access to the island.

Leader of the United Alliance political party, Reuben T. Meade.