Special Access Committee Work Hindered by Several Factors

The work of the Access Special Committee appears to have come to an end.

Chair of the Committee Honourable Veronica Dorsette-Hector indicated to the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday that the work of the Committee has been plagued by a myriad of issues since its establishment in 2022, including lack of technical and administrative support.

She also raised the issue of the conflict of interest, when Member of the Committee, Donaldson Romeo, indicated his willingness to testify as a witness.

Mr. Romeo has since withdrawn from the Committee.

Mrs Dorsette Hectcor’s resignation from the government is another blemish on the existence of the committee.

The Honourable Attorney General also reported that the representative from her office is no longer part of the Attorney General’s Chambers.

She told the Parliament that the Committee no longer exists in the current circumstances.

Attorney General, Honourable Sheree Jemmotte-Rodney.

Meantime, Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition, Honourable Paul Lewis expressed his disappointment that the work of the Special Access Committee has not been completed.

Honourable Paul Lewis.