Minister for Works Updates Public on Cost Overruns for Port Development Project

Deputy premier and minister for works, Dr, the Honourable Samuel Joseph has updated the public on the current estimated cost overruns on the new port development project in Little Bay.

Speaking in the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday, Dr Joseph stated that the current overruns totaled 6.3 million dollars.

He explains that the approved variation to date results mainly from value engineering, coral relocation, and the implementation of bio-security measures.

The works minister also confirmed that all these are included in the project’s contingency.

Dr. Joseph was at the time responding to a question posed by opposition member of parliament, Honourable Donaldson Romeo.

Meantime, Mr Romeo inquired about the recent development where workers on the port project, undertaken by Meridian Construction Company as contractors, were not paid.

This was Dr Joseph’s response

In a recent interview with ZJB News,the Project Manager, Peter Wattenhoffer stated that inconsistent payments had presented a cash-flow situation which resulted in workers, suppliers and landlords have not been paid for up to two months.

ZJB News has since learnt that the matter has now been rectified.