Preparation of the SDP Implementation Plan and Monitoring & Evaluation Framework to Commence in August

A series of workshops to facilitate the preparation of the Implementation Plan and the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of Montserrat’s new Sustainable Development Plan will take place throughout the month of August.

Spanning August 8 to the 26th the workshops will see several Task Forces comprising local individuals within government, civil society, private sector and youth come together to agree the objectives, activities and performance measures for the achievement of the goals and outcomes of the new SDP.

Planning will focus on the agreed sub-sectors under each of the SDP strategic goals, to include economic development, human development, environmental management and climate resilience, governance and population.

The sub-sectors will be guided by the thirteen (13) outcomes which were agreed during the strategic visioning workshops held in June.

The SDP Action Planning workshops will be facilitated by SDP Consultants Albert Daley and Trevor Spence with support from M&E Specialist Kate Conroy.

Members of the SDP Steering Committee will sit as Leaders of the Task Forces and will undertake planning for Population as a cross-cutting strategic goal.

The results of the workshops will be used to draft the new SDP and MTDS which will be presented to stakeholders locally and in the diaspora for their review and feedback.

To learn more about the SDP process and how to become involved, contact the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management at (664) 491-2777 or by email at The schedule for SDP Strategic Visioning Report can be accessed via