Number of Residents Who Can Access NHS in the UK Increases to Ten

Good news for the health sector and persons living in Montserrat.

The United Kingdom has increased the number of persons who can access its National Health Service…NHS.

Confirmation of this new development has come from Cabinet.

In briefing notes released on Monday, Cabinet noted with appreciation, that following a period of lobbying by the Overseas Territories, confirmation was recently received that the number of health places had been increased from four to ten.

At the 2021 Joint Ministerial Council the Overseas Territories expressed their frustration for the delay in announcing the out come of the NHS Quota Review. 

An inquiry into the relationship between the UK and the British Overseas Territories in 2019, also recommended the removal of quotas on the number of people in the Overseas Territories that can access NHS services in the UK when their own health systems cannot provide the care and treatment they need.