Montserrat and other CDB Member Countries Encouraged to Prioritize Food Security Initiatives

Montserrat and other Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) member countries have been encouraged to prioritize food security initiatives while accelerating efforts towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Speaking at a recent CDB’s food security seminar, Vice President of Operations, Mr. Isaac Solomon, expressed a desire for the relay of “tangible and implementable actions, to contribute to the Region’s agenda to achieve food security and reduce its import bill by 25% by 2025

He adds that “with less than 8 years left until 2030, it is imperative that Montserrat and the rest of the region accelerate all efforts towards the achievement of the SDGS and their development now.

The webinar, which was attended by a cross-section of global experts and participants, provided recommendations for coherent approaches to managing logistics and reducing processing and exportation costs of agri-food products within the Caribbean.

Solutions proposed included deepening regional cooperation and integration.

Senior Trade Facilitation Officer at the International Trade Centre (ITC), Mr Pierre Bonthonneau, this premise, alongside the implementation of systems to accommodate seamless cross border trade, the application of digital solutions, simplification of procedures and increasing the efficiency in trade and logistics processes, would positively impact food security

According to Mr Bonthonneau, who presented at the seminar, the Caribbean can impact its current food import metrics and the availability of affordable food for citizens by making trade formalities more effective, pursuing greater investment in technology-based initiatives while also embracing trade reforms and robust private-public dialogue and engagement.

Several of these solutions are being supported by CDB which is funding projects targeting connectivity, transport, digital interventions for trade and enhancing infrastructure at ports of entry, including Montserrat’s.