Geothermal Energy: The Most Prudent Option to Reduce Use of Fossil Fuel on Montserrat

Geothermal energy has been cited as the way forward for Montserrat to reduce it’s reliance on imported fossil fuels.

A report from the Energy Task Force commissioned by the Ministry of Communications, Works, Labour and Energy (MCWLE) notes that Montserrat has explored a number of renewable energy resources to include solar and wind.

However, weighing the challenges, the report deduces that Geothermal energy is more cost effective and should be the focus for Montserrat.

Chairman of the Energy Task Force and energy director, Kenrick Burke

To date, the government has drilled three wells, namely MON1, MON2 & MON3.

Funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), now the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), the projects were executed to the tune of £12.7M for the three wells.

The drilling cost for MON3 alone was budgeted at £4.2M.

Despite issues with MON3, which experienced a collapse around 1,500m, it is estimated that MON1 & MON2 could provide Montserrat with approximately 3 to 4 Megawatts of energy.

Meantime, Burke reveals that a geothermal working group has been formed.

Chairman of the Energy Task Force Kenrick Burke.