Musings Continue Over the Need to Bring Montserrat’s Two Geothermal Wells into Production

The Committee for the Redevelopment of Montserrat CRM has reasserted its position that the island’s two geothermal wells be brought into production.

Chairman of the non government organization Jim Bass says generating electricity at low cost from the wells to power Montserrat’s economic development is an urgent and compelling necessity.

He points out that Montserrat has the highest electricity cost per kilowatt hour in the Caribbean Basin.

Bass, a retired senior public servant, shares that electricity supplied from naturally renewable geothermal energy tends to be cheaper than electricity generated by diesel powered generators.

Bass is of the view that the British Government should support Montserrat’s drive for energy sustainability as private investment in the development of the geothermal resource would deprive residents here of lower electricity costs.

Jim Bass, chairman of the Committee for the Redevelopment of Montserrat.

The government of Montserrat is currently seeking input from potential suitors for the geothermal development project.