Montserrat to be Represented at OECS Assembly

Montserrat will be represented at the 6th sitting of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Assembly this week.

The Meeting scheduled for Friday March 18th, will be held under the theme “The Shift: Embracing New Platforms and Innovative Models for Leadership in Sustainability”.

The hybrid event makes provisions for members of the Assembly to participate virtually, as well as in-person, at the seat of the Assembly in Antigua and Barbuda.

Montserrat will be represented virtually by Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell, Parliamentary Secretary Honourable Veronica Dorsette-Hector, and Leader of the Opposition Paul Lewis.

The OECS Assembly is a deliberative forum that brings together both government and opposition members of the parliaments and legislatures of the 11 OECS member states, to consider and seek common solutions to issues that affect the Sub-region.

The OECS, comprising island states, is susceptible to climate change events.

At the recently concluded United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26) (Nov 21), the OECS and other Caribbean states presented their concerns to the Conference attendees.

The Caribbean islands have been identified as one of the world’s top biodiversity hotspots, with both a high level of regionally-unique species and a severe degree of habitat loss. as well as vulnerability to extinction.