The Current State of the the Island’s Social Security Fund Comes Under the Microscope as a Critical Inquiry Begins Wednesday

An inquiry into the Montserrat Social Security fund is set to begin on Wednesday July 14th.

The public evidence session will be held by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) who announced the launched of the inquiry on June 8th.

The inquiry is aimed at establishing the current state of the fund, finding possible solutions and making recommendations on how the fund can remain solvent and beneficial to the people of Montserrat.

The Social Security Fund recently informed the Government of Montserrat of challenges it is experiencing, which would have “serious impact on its ability to meet its obligations,” as the Fund is projected to deplete its reserves by 2025.

PAC Chairman, Honourable leader of the Parliamentary Opposition Paul Lewis, is inviting residents to participate in Wednesday’s session which is scheduled to take place at the Credit Union Hall in Brades from at 10.00am .

PAC Chairman, Honourable Paul Lewis