Challenges facing Bank of Montserrat Customers Evokes Response from its Manager

Bank of Montserrat customers have once again come out to highlight their concerns with doing business with the island’s lone indigenous financial institution.

One of those challenges is the inability to access cash from their overseas accounts.

Several callers into the “What’s on Your Mind” segment of the breakfast show Tuesday, complained about not being able to access their overseas accounts and transfers.

Bank of Montserrat’s Manager Baldwin Taylor acknowledges that the bank is experiencing some challenges and that there are issues still to be resolved.

He however states that in spite of those challenges, most merchants on Montserrat carry Bank of Montserrat’s Points of Sale machines, and persons visiting the island have the ability to use both visa and master cards to access their funds.

Cognizant of the of the myriad of challenges customers are facing, including the inability to access cash at the ATM machine, Mr. Taylor says people have to be careful with spreading what he calls “Misinformation”.

That being said, He emphasizes that the Bank of Montserrat will continue to take crucial steps to resolve the challenges faced by customers.

Manager of Bank of Montserrat Limited, Baldwin Taylor.