The Caribbean Development Bank Impresses Upon Regional Heads, Including Montserrat’s Premier to Invest in Innovation and Resilience to Address Economic Decline

The President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is calling on regional government leaders, including that of Montserrat, to invest in innovation and resilience.

The call is coming from President of Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Dr Hyginus 'Gene' Leon

He was at the time addressing the 51st Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Board of Governors

Dr Leon’s call comes as the region seeks to climb out of what he refers to as “the pit of economic decline” caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The CDB President says innovation does not only have to come from developing new products and services but can be achieved through the ease of doing business and collaboration between the public and private sectors.

CDB President Dr Hyginus 'Gene' Leon