Government Plans to Improve Standard of Local Products on Montserrat

The Government of Montserrat plans to improve the standard of locally produced items.

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell says there is a Draft Standards and Metrology Bill, which sets the parameters for quality in Montserrat.

He says the government is hoping that through the passage of these Bills, businesses will commit more energies to their packaging and labeling; and consumers likewise will feel a heightened sense of confidence in the goods which are produced locally.

These are among a raft of legislation, which will be brought before the Legislative Assembly this year.

Others include a review of regulatory sanitary and phytosanitary measures, the animal trespass and pound legislation, the fisheries legislation and the Oceans Act
geared towards guiding the implementation of the marine spatial plan.

Meantime a draft Data Protection Bill has been produced for regulating the collection, keeping, processing, use and dissemination of personal data; protecting the privacy of individuals in relation to their personal data; and related matters.

Premier Farrell discloses that there are planned amendments to the Pensions Act & Policy, while updates will be made to the Info-Communication Regulations to improve the ease of doing business in this sector.

The regulations governing amateur radio operations will also be tabled, along with updates to the Road Traffic Act, and subsidiary legislation have been prepared to include improving the practicality of the ticketing system to reduce citizens and court time commitment.

The government also plans to look at the School Bus Regulations to improve safety.