Government of Montserrat takes Practical Steps to Improve Tax Administration

The Director General of the Montserrat Customs and Revenue Service has welcomed efforts to establish an audit unit.

Peter W. A. White says this is part of an attempt to reform tax administration in Montserrat.

He was speaking at the conclusion of a three week training exercise for MCRS staff in audit techniques and local income tax law.

Peter W. A. White.

Comptroller of Inland Revenue Violet Sillcott described the training as intense…..but said it was enlightening, practical and useful.

She also explained what was expected of from the newly minted tax auditors.

Violet Silcott.

The MCRS staff welcomed the training and the opportunity to improve their capabilities as tax auditors.

Two staff from the Montserrat Customs and Revenue Service who took part in the training in audit and tax law.