Premier Welcomes UK Decision to Put Montserrat on Travel Green List

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell has welcomed a decision by the United Kingdom Government to place Montserrat on the green list.

The government confirmed the move on Thursday, which means that people entering Britain from Montserrat would no longer be required to quarantine from the 30th of June.

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell.

While the previous list did include some Overseas territories there were no Caribbean islands included.

The list released last Thursday not only included Montserrat but Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Governor His Excellency Andrew Pearce also welcomed Montserrat’s inclusion on the UK Green List.

With a number of variants to the coronavirus emerging Governor Pearce is urging residents here not to let their guard down.

Governor His Excellency Andrew Pearce.