No Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Deaths on Montserrat

Recent investigations into two sudden deaths have found no link to the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID- 19 vaccine. 

This report from the Ministry of Health and Social Services came today following the conclusion of post- mortem investigations by regional pathologist Dr. Stephen King.

Officials from the Ministry indicated that Dr. King was able to conclusively rule out COVID-19 vaccination as a contributor to the deaths of the individuals given medical history and other medical findings.

The Ministry further noted that other deaths which occurred since the vaccination programme began in February, were not as a result of any complication from the COVID-19 vaccine.  

The Ministry also stated that it appreciates and shares the concerns of residents when a member of our community suddenly passes. Residents are however urged to avoid sharing unfounded speculation as it creates public panic and causes undue emotional stress to the bereaved. Residents are reminded to be cautious of spreading misinformation and are encouraged to be respectful of those who are grieving.

Officials continue to assure the public that investigations will continue into any death deemed suspicious, as is routinely done. The public will be duly informed should any local safety concerns of the AstraZeneca vaccine be found.  To date, no severe reactions to the vaccine have been noted locally.

Unvaccinated individuals are urged to register for vaccination by contacting the health centre of their choice or by visiting the online registration portal

Additionally, individuals with further queries about the COVID-19 vaccine are encouraged to send their queries to

In addition to vaccination, Ministry of Health officials are advising residents to continue practicing good hygiene, social distancing and the wearing of face coverings in shared public spaces where social distancing may not be possible.