Reactions to the Government’s Extended Airline Ticket Subsidy.

The leader of the parliamentary opposition has given his take on the current situation regarding the government of Montserrat’s airline ticket subsidy.

Honourable Paul Lewis has described the latest situation as just a small part of, as he puts it, the “Access Mess” the island now faces.

He was responding to a recent press release in which the government stated that it approved an extension to the airline ticket subsidy for a three-month period

from April 1st this year to June 30th.

Speaking on the latest “Eyes on the Country” radio programme, Mr. Lewis took a swipe at a statement in the release where the Access Division stated that one airline indicated that there would more support required to maintain regular access, as the airline was of the view that the ticket subsidy effectively benefits only


Opposition leader, Honourable Paul Lewis

Meantime, Economist and financial analyst, Peter Queeley describes the contents of the press release as vague.

He suggests that the government should have reviewed the situation and come up with costs before releasing incomplete information.

Peter Queeley