Lessons Learnt From the Monitoring of the Soufriere Hills Volcano here Applied in St. Vincent at La Soufriere Volcano

A geologist and scientific lead at the Belmont Observatory in St. Vincent says a lot of the lessons learnt from Monitoring the Soufriere Hills Volcano here have been applied at the erupting La Soufriere Volcano.

Speaking during a virtual media Conference to discuss La Soufriere eruption, science and impact, Professor Dr. Richard Robertson says that in the context of Montserrat,
and collaboration with other territories that the Seismic Research Centre (SRC) has operated in, they have noted the importance of lessons learnt while monitoring the Soufriere Hills Volcano here.

Professor Robertson started by highlighting the outreach element which started in Montserrat.

Professor Dr. Richard Robertson

Meantime, appearing on the same platform, seismologist
and former Director of the Montserrat Volcano Observatory, Roderick Stewart, shared the economic benefits to be derived from volcanic fallouts.

He uses Montserrat’s experience of exporting volcanic material as a key revenue earner as a notable example.

Roderick Stewart