Government Extends Airline Ticket Subsidy

The Government of Montserrat has approved an extension to the airline ticket subsidy for a three-month period.

The Government of Montserrat agreed on the extension of the ticket subsidy in March 2021 and subsequently approved the decision in Cabinet on April 1, 2021.

The extension will run from April 1st 2021, to June 30th 2021.

However, the Access Division, has stated that one Airline has indicated that there will be more support required to maintain regular access, as the airline is of the view that the ticket subsidy effectively benefits only the customer.

The Access Division has also indicated that both Airlines have been receiving operational support, COVID-19 Relief Support and Ticket Subsidy Support from April 2020 to March 2021 due to the COVID-19 developments. 
This support also included the regular $18,000 EC monthly support which was increased from April to September 2020.

From October 2020, the additional support provided to each airline over and above the $18,000 monthly subsidy ceased given the budgetary constraints, and with the exhaustion of the EC$8.6 million in COVID-19 Support that was provided to the Government of Montserrat.

The Access Division is asking customers affected by the delayed implementation of the subsidy are asked to be patient, considering the complexities of such arrangements.