Rotary Club of Montserrat Donates 320 Cases of Water to SVG Relief

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As Montserrat continues to sure up its relief support for St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the wake of eruptions at La Soufriere Volcano there, the Rotary Club of Montserrat has joined in the effort.

The Rotary Club of Montserrat donated 320 cases of Oasis Water to the St. Vincent & the Grenadines volcanic relief efforts.

The local club says that in collaboration with Antigua Distillery Ltd. It procured and donated four pallets of 650ml water bottles, shipped from Antigua & Barbuda last Friday April 16th.

The consignment of water is scheduled to arrive in St. Vincent & the Grenadines this  Wednesday April 21st. The water is being shipped directly to the Rotary Club of St. Vincent for dispersal to residents in need.

Water has been identified as the most urgent item required in St. Vincent & the Grenadines during the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Clothing, food and cash are some of the other urgent needs.

Heavy ash from the eruptions at La Soufriere Volcano has contaminated the island’s water supply, and has caused an outcry from Vincentians to the regional community for assistance in providing water    to      the island.

The ash eruptions in early April have forced the relocation of approximately 30 villages closest to the volcano. 16,000 – 20,000 residents have been evacuated from the northern, most affected part of the island, and has resulted in 4,000 residents occupying 89 public shelters in the southern safe zone.

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