The Ministry of Health Recommends the Use of Face Coverings by Staff in Food Establishments and Business Places

The Ministry of Health and Social Services has moved a step further to address the non-wearing of face coverings by front line staff in business places on island. 

There has been much consternation where this is concerned where workers in business places were not required to wear face coverings while it was mandatory for customers to do so.

It is against this background that the Ministry of Health has not stepped in to safeguard residents on island.

In a letter to all business places, a copy of which was made available to ZJB News, the Ministry of Health emphasized that it has observed that business places are not adhering to all of the Public Health COVID-19 guidelines.

According to the release, of particular concern is front line staff who are serving the public and not wearing face covering.

It further states that while customers are mandated to wear face coverings for their own safety, as well as the safety of others, it is noticeable that front line staff especially in food establishments and other business places are violating the guidelines. 

The Ministry of Health emphasizes that this action exposes and increases the risk to those not wearing face coverings. 

The Ministry of Health is recommending that all staff must wear a face covering or face shield while clients are in the establishment or being attended to, where applicable, barriers are erected between customer and attendant, and that where barriers are erected, face covering is optional for frontline staff. 

The Ministry of Health stresses that it is seeking the support and is also reminding operators of these establishments that it is their responsibility to ensure staff and customers are protected while doing business. 

It states that failure to comply is a violation of the Public Health COVID-19 Suppression Order, and will be dealt with accordingly.