Montserratian Scientist Leads Monitoring Team at La Sourfriere Volcano in St Vincent

Dr. Thomas Christopher from the Montserrat Volcano Observatory is leading a new monitoring team at the La Soufriere Volcano in St. Vincent.

The volcano has been erupting effusively since late December.

The new team is composed of scientist Micheal Camejo-Harry, technician Garth Mannette and project manager of the Volcano Ready Project, Monique Johnson-Lynch.

Dr. Christopher is heading the team, which will continue the work being done on the monitoring network.

The MVO has been offering support to the authorities in St. Vincent as part of the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Unit.

The team replaces Professor Richard Robertson, instrumentation engineer Lloyd Lynch and engineering technician Ian Juman who returned to Trinidad and Tobago last Wednesday.

A dome survey from the summit of La Soufriere concluded that the total volume of the new lava dome was 4.5 million cubic meters.

Since Dec. 28, the new dome has been growing next to the 1979 dome — when the volcano last erupted explosively.