Montserrat Being Recognized as Having One of the Best-Performing Programme Management Offices in the World

Montserrat has once again been recognized as having one of the best-performing Programme Management Offices.. PMOs in the world.

This time at the PMO Global Awards.

The PMO Global Awards is the PMO Global Alliance's annual award for the most outstanding Project Management Offices in the world.

It encourages organization from all over the world to share knowledge and experiences, acknowledging best results, and allowing the evolution of the PMO worldwide community.

Head of the Local Programme Management Office Martin Parlett says this is a recognition that the Montserrat community can be proud of and celebrate together.

Martin Parlett

Meantime, Deputy Head of the PMO Linda Dias says this award gives Montserrat some great exposure in the global arena and opens a realm for endless opportunities.

Linda Dias
Last year, Montserrat won the PMO of the Year Award from the Association for Project Management.