Montserrat Weighs its Port Revenue Cuts as One of the Shipping companies Servicing the Island Pulls Out

Montserrat has been left with something to ponder relating to shipping goods to the island, at least for the time being.

And this, following the recent announcement that one of the major shipping companies that delivers goods to the import-dependent Emerald Isle, Crowley Shipping, will cease the service next month as a result of Covid-19 pressures.

ZJB News contacted Port Manager Joseph O’Garro to get a sense of what the early impact would be from the Crowley pull-out.

He started by saying that one thing for certain up front is that there will definitely be a drop in port charges occasioned by the cutting of one of the three liners that service Montserrat.

Mr. Ogarro adds that what merchants will have to do going forward is to look at the other two liners which bring goods into Montserrat – King Ocean for Tropical Shipping and CMA-CGA – to see how alternate shipping arrangements could be worked out.

The Port manager told ZJB News that Crowley Shipping had indicated for some time now that they were not doing enough business in the region…..hence their decision to pull out.

Mr. O’Garro said that Crowley pulled out of Trinidad and Tobago earlier this year and Antigua/Barbuda more recently.

It is anticipated that in the next two weeks Crowley will no longer be operating in Montserrat.

The island however, is hoping that at least another Carrier will come in to fill the void to provide shipping service to Montserrat.

Crowley Shipping served Montserrat and the region for many years.