The Government of Montserrat Announces that the 2021 St Patrick's Festival is on.... Albeit a Scaled-down Version

In spite of rumblings to the contrary, it is official that there will be a St. Patrick’s Festival 2021.

Confirmation has come from leader of government business, Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell.

Speaking on national radio Thursday, Premier Farrell says the scaled-down version of the St. Patrick’s Festival of activities this year will observe COVID-19 protocols.

Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell.

Meantime, Director of the Montserrat Arts Council (MAC), Kenneth “Rabo” Silcott says the MAC, which will manage and assist with the overall planning of the festival, has a potential events’ plan for this year.

He says the planning of the St. Patrick’s Festival of activities this year is a work in progress based on government of Montserrat COVID-19 guidelines

The MAC Director speaks of a two-phased approach with a virtual aspect for planned shows and then a physical island wide food fair which would replace the Heritage Feast Day on March 17th.

Director of the Montserrat Arts Council (MAC), Kenneth “Rabo” Silcott