2021 St. Patrick's Day Festival Still On..... But Virtually

The Planning Committee has dispelled reports that the 2021 St. Patrick’s Day Festival is being cancelled.

Events Coordinator Justin Cassell responded to recent comments aired on ZJB radio which gave the impression that the Festival was cancelled. 

Last Thursday Public Relations Officer Renford Kulcha Don Gibbons stated on the Breakfast Show that the annual March festival was cancelled essentially because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Cassell says that this statement is erroneous and baseless.

In fact, he declares that the Committee is currently in discussion with the Premier’s Office and the Montserrat Arts Council (MAC) regarding a virtual form of St Patrick’s Festival in 2021.

According to Mr. Cassell functional members of the committee met and subsequently submitted a proposal to MAC and the Premier’s Office outlining the contents of the 2021 programme captioned “Keeping the Spirit of St Patrick’s Alive

He says the Committee is awaiting a response from MAC and the Premier’s office. 

Mr. Cassell reveals that information will be shared with the general public as soon as it is received.

He also says the Committee apologizes for any misunderstandings created by the statement.

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