Montserrat Confirmed to Receive the AstraZeneca/Oxford Vaccine

It is now official that Montserrat will be receiving the UK manufacturer AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine.

News on this has come from the Ministry of Health via the launch of its education and awareness campaign on its radio Programme “Talking Health” on Wednesday January 20th.

Speaking on the programme, Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr. Briamah Kassim says  the vaccine which was developed in the United Kingdom was sent by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

Dr. Kassim further explains how the immune system works when it encounters a vaccine

Dr. Briamah Kassim

Meantime, Director of Primary Health Care, and Epidemiologist, Dr. Dorothea Hazel-Blake, gives her version of how the vaccine works in relation to the Covid-19 virus

Dr. Dorothea Hazel-Blake

Montserrat is scheduled to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine in early February and based on the education and awareness campaign, the vaccination programme is expected to be rolled out shortly afterwards.