A Former Parliamentarian Puts into Context a Recent Move by the UK to have OT Representation in the House of Commons

Former Member of Parliament Chedmond Browne has reacted to recent moves in the United Kingdom to have direct representation for the Overseas Territories in the House of Commons.

A draft legislation, which is entitled Representation of the People, Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories Bill, was submitted to the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in 2020.

If passed by the UK Parliament would see a total of nine MPs from the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies being sent to sit in the House of Commons.

The bill was drafted by UK MPs John d. Penrose and Andrew R. Rosindell as well as Anthony Webber, who have been pushing the UK Parliament to give a voice to the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies who currently have no official representation in parliament, which has ultimate power to legislate on their behalf, sometimes against their will.

Speaking to Shirley Osborne on Brain Power on Monday Mr. Brown had this to say about those efforts.

Chedmond Browne