Smooth Transition for Students as They Return to The Classroom

The opening of schools across the island went smoothly on Monday.

Children, who were absent from the classroom for the most part since march, adapted easily to the protocols put in place to protect them from the coronavirus.

Principal of the Brades Primary School Yvonne Julius credits this to a pilot test in June.

She says the only slight challenge was conducting the temperature checks on the children before they enter the classroom.

She says the management team at the Brades Primary will continue to work towards improving any shortfalls in a bid to create as normal and as safe as possible aschool environment.

Principal at the Lookout Primary Denelta Weekes says her students have been coping better than expected.

Denelta Weekes

Meanwhile plans are in place to introduce face shields at the St Augustine Primary.

Principal Claudia Skerritt says the school has also created a Reopening Guide for parents, which addresses new COVID-19 Protocols.

Mrs Claudia Skerritt

As part of the Ministry of Education’s guidelines, temperature checks are conducted before entry at each school and additional wash and sanitization areas have been made available.

Physical distancing within the classrooms and during play time are being observed with specific play areas being assigned to each grade.


Regular classed resumed on Tuesday for all students at the Montserrat Secondary School.