Opposition Leader Questions Government's Decision to Enforce Mandatory Face Covering

The Leader of the Opposition has questioned the timing of the Government of Montserrat’s decision to enforce the mandatory wearing of face covering.

In a statement aired on ZJB on Monday, The Honourable Paul Lewis pointed out that the island currently has no recorded cases of the coronavirus.

He indicated that the government should be focusing on helping businesses, which are struggling because of Covid-19

Leader of the Opposition the Honourable Paul Lewis.

The new COVID-19 suppression regulations came into effect on Sunday.

They require the owner or head of a business, organisation or department to take proactive steps to ensure persons entering their premises comply with the face covering requirement. 

The wearing of face coverings is mandatory at

1.A Bank;

2.A Government Office;


4.Clinic, Health Care Centre or Residential Care Facility;

5.A grocery store or supermarket;


7.And the airport and seaport.

The persons exempted from the mandatory face covering requirement include:

1.A child age 3 years and under:

2.A person who has a medical, health, cognitive condition, or a disability which prevents him or her from wearing a face covering;

3.A customer who is dining at a restaurant or food shop;

4.A customer, when that customer is dining at a bar or rum shop; and

5.A person who is exercising at a gym.