Department of Community, Youth and Sports Services Launches the 2020 Youth Month

Young people across the island have the opportunity to showcase their abilities in the fields of sports, entertainment, academia, and civic involvement on a national level throughout the month of September.

The Department of Community, Youth and Sports Services on Tuesday announced the annual staging of Youth Month 2020, which will run under the theme “A future of endless possibilities awaits you!”

In a press release, the Department said during the month, it is pivotal that this opportunity is used to promote health and wellness, advising and engaging the youth in health matters that affect them the most.

Some of the activities planned include:

  • DEBATING SERIES - A competition for youth to debate current affairs and social issues that affect young people and the general public. This is a great opportunity for the youth to develop their public speaking, critical thinking, and team building skills.

  • YOUTH SPORTING ACTIVITIES - Four sporting areas will be on display throughout the month – Netball, basketball, football and cricket. Here, spectators will be able to witness a mixture of individuals of varying ages compete against each other in friendly matches. This we see as an avenue not only to keep sport alive on Montserrat but also to encourage physical activity and exercise.

  • HEALTH MOBILE - Also during the month of September, the youth would be encouraged to take advantage of FREE health screening for blood type and blood sugar. There will also be a mobile health booth at the basketball event on the 18th. The objective of this event is to promote a healthy youth population by encouraging young people to get tested regularly.  Essentially, the overall goal is to prevent disease, promote health and prolong life.

  • CAREER WEEK - The goal is to provide students with relevant information and advice to facilitate informed decisions regarding future career pathways. We think it is never too early to stimulate their thinking about the career path they intend to take later on in life. Last year, the week took the format of resource personnel visiting schools and speaking with students about some career pathways available. This year however, we have decided to ask students to come dressed as what they aspire to be when they grow up. E.g. Nurse, Pilot, Carpenter.