Friday, August 14, 2020 – The design process for a new Hospital for Montserrat will take a significant step this month, as the consultants responsible for finalising the Hospital’s design are on-island to meet with key stakeholders.  

Three architects from UK based architectural NGO—Article 25, are on-island to gather important insights to finalise the preliminary design of the hospital.  As part of this data gathering process, a meeting has been scheduled for 5:00p.m. on Tuesday August 18, at the Montserrat Cultural Centre, in Little Bay. 

Head of the Programme Management Office (PMO), Martin Parlett said it is important for persons to attend the meeting and share information with the team, as the insights gathered will help to shape some of the design elements; ultimately resulting in a hospital design inspired and accepted by the people of Montserrat.

The meeting is specifically targeting contractors and building trade specialists, but is also open to other interested individuals.  “While we are still in the preliminary design stage, we are hoping to meet contractors and people working in the building trades who can provide insights into the local construction market, building methods and materials, as well as to engage those in the supply chain who may be involved in future project phases”, explained Article 25 Architect, Josine Lambert.

Additionally, the architects will be conducting site visits at the Hospital to understand the needs of staff and patients.   “We want to have a true appreciation of the needs and requirements of those using the facilities, so that we can understand the challenges that exists and identify the opportunities to address those in the design,” stated Article 25 Architect, Bea Sennewald.

The Architects will remain on island until Sunday August 23, 2020.

In February 2020, The Government of Montserrat signed a contract with Article 25 for the preliminary design of the island’s new national hospital.  Under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), Article 25, will be responsible for reviewing previous design work, and generating new and costed architectural options for a facility with a minimum of 24 beds, with the capacity for expansion to meet peak demands. The consultants will also provide logistical plans for decanting from the current facilities and ensuring continuity of service, whilst demonstrating conformance to the highest clinical design standards for patients and medical staff.

The New National Hospital Project is the keystone project within the £30 million Capital Investment Programme for Economic Growth (CIPREG), funded by the UK’s Department for

International Development. The new hospital will be located at the current Glendon Hospital site in St. Johns.