Honourable Crenston Buffonge Takes Bold Steps in Pursuit of Food Security for the People of Montserrat

Minister of Agriculture Honourable Crenston Buffonge says the Government will be bold, innovative and forward thinking in pursuit of its goal of food security for the people of Montserrat.

Speaking on the budget in Parliament on Tuesday Minister Buffonge says the ministry has several long-term plans that would guarantee the island’s agricultural sovereignty.

Among them are encouraging a farm to table mentality utilizing local fresh fruits and vegetables.

Introducing modern farming techniques practices which will address issues such as producing during the dry season and maintaining soil fertility.

He says the ministry is seeking better water rates for farmers, and has already expanded the poultry industry, and is actively creating markets for excess fruits and vegetables through agro processing.

Minister Buffonge outlined several short-term measures that have been taken.

Minister Buffonge says there is also assistance for animal farmers and fishers.

Minister of Agriculture Crenston Buffonge