Montserrat Volcano Observatory Assists SRC in Monitoring Volcanic Developments in St.Vincent & the Grenadines

The Montserrat Volcano Observatory is assisting the Trinidad-based Seismic Research Center in monitoring developments with the volcano in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Director Graham Ryan said in a statement that the staff at MVO are working closely with SRC, as there have been meetings discussing the data and also adding information that the they have.

He says the MVO stands ready to continue to offer assistance.

Dr. Ryan pointed that beyond being sister regional organizations, the MVO has a particularly close bond with SRC as the scientific staff of MVO are also SRC staff members.

He stresses that the situation in St. Vincent does not directly affect the situation in Montserrat.

Meantime, Residents of St Vincent and the Grenadines have been warned to stay away from La Soufriere volcano after increased seismic activity has been detected in the dome.

Volcanologists Dr Erouscille Pat Joseph and Professor Richard Robertson of the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (SRC), joined Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves in a live address to the nation Tuesday evening to provide an update on the activity.

Dr. Robertson says currently an effusive eruption is going on at Soufriere, which essentially means magma is coming slowly out of the earth and building a dome.

Dr. Robertson says sulphur-rich gases will be released into the atmosphere and is cautioning residents to stay away from the area at this time…..stressing that there is not enough data to determine whether it will continue to slowly build or activity will increase to the point where there is an explosive eruption.

La Soufriere last had an explosive eruption in March 1979, and the ash rained on parts of Barbados.