Extreme Wind and Marine Events Forecast For Montserrat This Week

Extreme wind and marine events are forecast for this week across the northeast Caribbean, including Montserrat.

The howling wind event will take place Thursday – NEW YEAR’S EVE, through Saturday – January 2, whereas the life-threatening marine event will take place New Year’s Eve night through Sunday – January 3.

Warnings and advisories for strong winds, rough seas and high surfs will be required for most islands.

The angry winds and seas could cause notable socio-economic impacts to the islands.

Similar actions by nature, earlier this year, caused ships to turn away and ferry services to be cancelled.

Climatologist Dale Destin says the kick-off of these events is expected on Thursday with Gale-force gusts, the equivalent to tropical storm-force gusts, likely. Otherwise, the winds will frequently be above 25 mph.

The maximum sustained 10-minute wind speeds will likely reach around 31 mph,  with the strongest winds aforecast for New Year’s Day, especially across open waters, windward coastal areas and elevated places.

The prevailing wind direction will be northeast.

As the winds go, so go the seas. The tumultuous winds will cause the seas to rise and become extremely threatening, reaching above 13 feet in some instances.

These events will make for a high threat to the life and livelihood and property and infrastructure of mariners and users of the nearshore areas.

There is also the potential for extensive impacts including  Loss of life, Injuries, Damage or loss of boats and fishing equipment, Coastal flooding from sea water splashing .

The entire Caribbean Basin, including Montserrat will be affected at different times.