Positive Meeting on Legalizing Small Amounts of Marijuana

There was positive feedback at a recent public meeting to the Government’s proposal to amend the law and allow small amounts of marijuana for personal use.

 Most of those in attendance at last Thursday’s town hall meeting backed the move, which exempt an individual who is in possession of a maximum of thirty grammes of cannabis or cannabis resin from Criminal Liability.

During the meeting at the Cultural Centre, several persons also suggested that marijuana should be used in open spaces such as parks and beaches, although there was acknowledgment that it should be restricted indoors.

It was suggested that children should be protected from the drug, the same way minors are prohibited from buying or consuming alcohol.

 A number of rastafarians in the audience demanded an apology.They claimed they were harassed and persecuted for exercising religious and human rights. They believed that legalizing marijuana, would also free up officers to do other more important police work.

 Minister of Health the Honourable Charles Kirnon who will introduce the bill in the Legislative Assembly, announced that the government intends to introduce legislation to fully legalize marijuana, recognizing the potential economic benefits.

The proposal also calls for the records of persons who have been convicted, to be erased.

The measure when passed follows similar efforts by several counties in the Caribbean.

A bill to decrimimalise up to 15 grammes of cannabis for personal use was passed in the Antigua House of Representatives in 2018.

In October this year the Dominica Parliament passed a similar Act, which allowed possession of 28 grams or one ounce or less of Marijuana.

In recent years, several members of CARICOM have made progressive moves to soften legislation dealing with marijuana use for various purposes.

Some countries have already gone ahead with major overhauls of legislation, including Jamaica, Belize and Antigua, where each home is allowed to cultivate no more than four plants for personal use.

Authorities there are also moving to wipe away convictions for persons whose lives had been turned upside down after serving time for possession of small amounts of marijuana.

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