British Primer Minister Emphasizes the UK's Unwavering Commitment to Supporting Montserrat and the Other Overseas Territories

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has set out the UK’s unwavering commitment to supporting Montserrat and the other Overseas Territories as they deal with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. 

The British Prime Minister was at the time addressing Premier, Honourable Joseph Farrell and the other leaders of the Overseas Territories on Monday as part of the UK-Overseas Territories Virtual Joint Ministerial Council (JMC)

Mr. Johnson also reiterated the UK’s intention to strengthen ties Montserrat and the other Overseas Territories as the Transition Period ends, and build a new relationship with their European friends and partners.

Recalling his visits to Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands in 2017 following Hurricane Irma, the Prime Minister affirmed that the UK will always stand by the Overseas Territories in any crisis they face.

While addressing the JMC, the Prime Minister stated that the UK is absolutely committed to the Overseas Territories, their futures and to their partnership.

HE adds that as they go forward and recover from this pandemic, they want to make sure that they build back greener and that they look after island economies that are so vulnerable to climate change.

The British Prime Minister says that in spite of everything, of the difficulties they are going through, they must always remember that they are united by deep ties of kinship and friendship and history and values…emphasizing that the UK government is going to make sure it continues to intensify that partnership.

The Joint Ministerial Council is being held over two days and will conclude on Thursday 26 November.

Montserrat’s delegation comprises a “core team” made up of Governor, His Excellency Andrew Pearce, Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell, Deputy Premier, Dr., the Honourable Samuel Joseph, Acting Financial Secretary, Honourable Phillip Chambers, Montserrat UK Representative Janice Panton, and Director General of the Montserrat Customs and Revenue Service (MCRS), Peter W. A. White.

Meantime, during his presentation to the Council, Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell likened the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic to the effects felt from natural disasters which Montserrat has experienced in the past.

He says the government has developed a strategy, spearheaded by public and private sector experts that takes into account the immediate to long-term effects of COVID-19.

Premier Farrell says it is his hope that these experiences teach individuals lessons on his to evaluate corporate circumstances and rebuild even stronger than before.