Montserrat’s Programme Management Office Awarded PMO of the Year

Montserrat’s Programme Management Office has been recognized internationally for what has been described as “their incredible achievements over the past year”.

The Association for Project Management (APM), during its prestigious Project Management Awards ceremony on Monday awarded Montserrat’s Office as PMO of the year.

The award was designed for PMOs that want to stand out as a beacon of driving project success in the way that they enable their organizations to deliver successful and sustainable change, develop project community and challenge themselves to become trusted business partners.

Head of the Programme Management Office Martin Parlett expressed delight for him and his team to have received such an award.

Parlett, while speaking to ZJB News, went on to highlight the next step moving forward for the PMO.

Head of the PMO Martin Parlett

Meantime, Deputy Head Linda Dias shared similar sentiments as Parlett, as she also conveyed happiness in receiving the award.

Linda Dias