Montserrat Port Development Project on Track for Mid-2021 Start

The Montserrat Port Development Project is on track for construction works to start in earnest by mid-2021.

That’s according to Project Manager, Dion Weekes.

In an interview with ZJB News Tuesday, Mr. Weekes said that apart from the successful pre-qualification of five contractors who will be participating in the bidding process, a lot of planning is ongoing leading up to the implementation phase. 

Mr. Weekes also places specific emphasis on the key stages of the project before entering the bidding process.

Port Development Project manager Dion Weekes.

And Civil engineer-designate Glenroy Foster is part of the Ministry of Communication and Works team attached to the Port Development Project. 

He gives some insights on what they are looking for while reviewing the designs for the project. 

Glenroy Foster 

Meantime, Aldean Williams is the regional consultant on the Port Development Project dealing with the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).

She says that having received the initial document, it is critical that further public input is sought. 

Mrs Williams says a several stakeholder engagement meetings have been arranged for this purpose 

Aldean Williams

The UK Government is providing £14.4 million in grant funding to the Government of Montserrat for this project through the UK Caribbean Infrastructure Fund (UKCIF), which is administered by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). 

The Government of Montserrat is also providing £7 million in counterpart resources with financial support from the European Union. 

The implementing agencies from the Government of Montserrat are the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management and Ministry of Communications Works, Energy and Labour.