The British Government’s Imposition of Same Sex Civil Unions on the Cayman Islands Could Have Implications for Montserrat

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell says the Government of Montserrat has indicated that there are implications for the island in the decision by Her Majesty’s Government to use its reserve powers to impose same sex civil union on fellow Overseas Territory the Cayman Islands.

Speaking in the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday, Mr. Farrell said he was informed of the decision by Overseas Territories Minister Baroness Sugg in a letter in August.

This followed the failure of the Cayman Legislative Assembly to pass the Domestic Partnership Bill.

Question by Opposition Member the Honourable Donaldson Romeo, Premier Farrell revealed that he informed the Montserrat Christian Council of the decision in anticipation of a national debate on the issue.

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell