Government Christmas Barrel Concession to Take Effect Next Month

It is now official that the 2020 Christmas Barrel Concession Programme is on.

Following much speculation to the contrary, Cabinet issued a statement Wednesday confirming that the programme has been approved.

It will cover barrels landed in Montserrat between November 15th this year and January 31st, 2021. 

Under the programme, each household is limited to two barrels per household at EC$50 each.

The contents must consist of basic household items of clothing and foodstuff. 

Any barrel containing commercial items, car parts, electrical items, goods for resale, electronics or more than 40 ounces of alcohol, would be processed in the normal manner.

Additionally, for ease of processing, a simplified declaration form would be implemented at Customs, which the applicant would complete at the time of clearing the barrels, under the concession.

Meantime, the 2020 Christmas Lighting Concession is also on. 

Persons will be able to import their lights with only the application of a small processing fee.

In an effort to promote energy efficiency, LED lights, laser and solar decorative lights have been stipulated are expected to reach Montserrat between the beginning of November and December 24th…Christmas Eve.

The approval of the Christmas Lighting Concession coincides with the planned Christmas Lighting Competition that will be launched by the Tourism Division, Office of the Premier in December.

More details are expected from the Office of the Premier.