New Rotary Executives Elected

The 2018/19 Rotary year opened on July 10th with New Executive members being elected to serve as leaders of the Rotary Clubs on Montserrat.

The Rotary Club, Rotaract Club and Interact Club held its annual joint Installation and Induction Ceremony on last Tuesday evening.

The New Executive for the Rotary Club is comprised of four individuals with Deonne Semple as the Club’s President.

The Immediate Past President (IPP) Debbie Battersby is serving as Treasurer and Secretary Jenzil Skerritt.

Jermaine Wade is President Elect.

The Interim-Executive for the Rotaract Club will be led by Adolphia Martin with Graeme Stanley as her Vice President.

Meantime… Yanick Henry has been elected as President of the Interact Club with Kijahri Barzey as his Vice President.

Kenita Barzey is the elected treasurer and Ashaunte Fenton is the Secretary.