Leading Doctor Calls For More Self Examinations To Detect Breast Cancer Early

A leading medical doctor says old fashion screening is still key to detecting breast cancer early.

Dr. Lowell Lewis says self-examination is effective and urges women to carry out this exercise at least once a month.

He is also throwing his support behind a drive by the Pink Ribbon Charity to increase the number of women who get free mammogram tests in Antigua.

Dr. Lewis says this is the best chance to prevent cancer deaths.

Currently the tests are being done at Mount St. John Medical Centre in Antigua......but Dr. Lewis is supporting a call for the St. John's hospital here to be equipped to reduce cost to individuals.

Dr. Lowell Lewis.

The causes of breast cancer remain largely unknown.

Risk factors include family history of breast cancer, early age at menarche and late age at first childbirth, hormone use, obesity, and alcohol.  

Protective factors include breast feeding, physical activity, late menarche, early pregnancy, parity, and early menopause.